Friday, December 04, 2009


Favorite quote from Jennifer MacMillan:

" Be sure to add these names to your "best of cinema" lists! :)
Ned Ambler, Kate Balsley, Mary Billyou, Diane Bonder, Stan Brakhage, Marianna Ellenberg, Bradley Eros, Brian Frye, Gary Goldberg, Stephanie Gray, Andy Graydon, Robert Greene, Courtney Hoskins, Howard Guttenplan, Nisi Jacobs, Tom Jarmush, Jesse Johnson, Janene Knox, Mike Kuchar, Zach Layton, Jonathann Lees, Jeanne Liotta, Marie Losier, Bruce McClure, Ross McLaren, Jennifer Matotek, Hans Michaud, Mike Olshan, Mike Park, Tim Reardon, Cliff Roth, Jennifer Reeves, Lynne Sachs, MM Serra, Joel Schlemowitz, Athena Soules, Kelly Spivey, Caspar Stracke, Ray Sweeten, Naomi Uman, Madame Von X, Suara Welitoff, Sheri Wills, Sean Williams, Nick Zedd . . ."

The quote comes from Invisible Cinema's blog:

From the list above, I think I have seen only films by Stan Brakhage and Caspar Stracke. There are still a lot of films I would like to see. :-)

1 comment:

jmac said...

Jit, you are so funny! I am totally laughing right now. :) I'm so glad I know you! Check out some of those filmmakers!