Saturday, July 30, 2011

APT PUPIL (2011, Ninart Boonpothong, A+++++)

One of the things I like very much in this stage play is that it talks about the motivation of the character Hun. Hun was involved in the massacre in the past. He killed a lot of innocent people, and he has tried to justify his killings by telling himself and other people for many years that he did it for the sake of the country. He wanted to improve his country so much that he decided to kill a lot of people for several years to cleanse his country from unwanted foreign influences and other things. He also told himself and other people that "I JUST DID MY DUTY." This kind of fascist/ultra nationalist thinking is extremely horrifying, but sometimes you may find that some of the nationalist people around you may harbor some kind of thoughts which are not far from Hun's thoughts.

Another thing I like very much in this stage play is a sentence which a Khmer man said to a young Thai boy named Siam. The Khmer man said, "ONE DAY YOUR COUNTRY WILL BE LIKE MINE." This is easily one of my most memorable sentences of the year.

The details of this stage play can be found here:

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